
Our mission is to enrich the lives of the residents of Whitewood by providing safe, welcoming parks and recreation facilities and affordable, diverse recreation and cultural opportunities for people of all ages to play, learn, and build community. We create community through people, parks, and programs.

The Town of Whitewood has many different recreational opportunities. The Whitewood Community Centre is home to a 200′ x 85′ arena, 4 sheet curling rink and kitchen facilities for all your event hosting needs. This Rink is home to the annual Farmers and Friends Bonspiel. This facility is home to the Whitewood Elks and the Whalers as well.

Come Play or exercise in the community center!!!
10am-3:30pm Mon-Fri.
Bring your own equipment or call to use ours @ (306)735-4415
There is a waiver form to fill and sign to participate. Under 14 must be accompanied by parent or guardian.
All are welcome!!! 😄

Larson Park is home to 4 ball diamonds, 18 site campground, 9 hole golf course, outdoor swimming pool, spray park, basketball court, tennis court and kids playground.

Follow us on FACEBOOK. Stay up-to-date on all the happenings in Whitewood at

Recreation Staff

Facility Operations Manager – Tim Eveleigh
Office: (306) 735-4415

Recreation Technician- Loretta Hay

Recreation Technician – Shaun Wilson